Thursday, 30 January 2014

What You Ought To Know About Radon Gas

You must have heard about radon. It is a colorless, odorless and water-soluble radioactive element that is difficult to detect. This must be your chemistry definition, right? But do you know about its harmful effects on both human and environment. It will shock quite a few if I tell that radon is responsible for lung cancer in 16%. Yes, Epidemiological studies confirms that radon in homes increases the risk of lung cancer in general population.

Don’t panic, you can save you and your family from this hazardous gas, if you understand the causes and mitigation process of radon. The aim of this article is to give you as much information you need to keep your beloved safe. Have a look:

Radon in house

A house will contain radon if the following four conditions exist:

•    A source of radium exists to produce radon.

•    A pathway exists from the radium to the house.

•    A driving force exists to move the radon to the house.

•    An opening in the house exists to permit radon to enter.

An estimated 10-20% of the existing homes in the United States have annual average radon concentrations above 4 picocuries per liter of air.

Radon Mitigation

Radon mitigation is nothing but to reduce the level of radon in homes. For that, firstly you have to be aware of its seriousness. Once you are aware of the harmful effects, check whether your home or office is under risk. If yes, then seek help of Atlanta home inspectors. They will carry out the proper radon mitigation process.

There are nearly three types of radon reduction types,

•    The most common type is the active suction system. In this system, a hole is drilled in the basement of your home and a pipe is placed through the hole. A fan powered suction system is placed on the outside and the pipe is vented. When the fan runs slowly, enough low pressure is created to prevent the accumulation of radon gas.

•    Another type to mitigate radon accumulation is passive suction. If you’re building a new home, ask your builder to build it in such a way that the pressure difference between the parts of the house can create suction, thereby preventing radon accumulation.

•    Pressurization is the last method. For this, you have to keep the windows and doors of the lower level of your home closed most of the time. This creates pressure by coercing air from the above and prevents radon gas.

DIY Radon Reduction Steps

After radon testing in Atlanta, you can prevent few levels of radon before the home inspectors arrive. This will help you to save your hard earned money as well as time. Follow the below tips and reduce radon levels:

•    Seal all the openings and cracks on your basement.

•    Increase air flow in your basement by opening windows and installing a fan in your basement.

•    Install mechanical barriers to block soil-gas entry.

If you want to know more about radon’s consequences and mitigation process, participate in the radon awareness program conducted in January every year. Keep your house safe from radon and protect your family.

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